Faculty Board of Faculty of Science and Letters

Iğdır University Faculty of Science and Letters Faculty Board is an academic body, as a team led by the dean. In this body, the heads of departments affiliated to our faculty, professors, associate professors and assistant professors come together. In the regular meetings held at the beginning and end of each semester, decisions are made regarding the faculty's education and training activities, scientific research and publications, and the education and training calendar is determined. It elects members for the management board of faculty. In addition, the faculty board is responsible for ensuring the participation of student representatives in meetings on student-related issues and fulfilling other duties assigned by the legislation.

Prof. Dr. Cengiz ATLI
Professor Representative

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Tunçay ÖZDEMİR
Assistant Professor Representative

Prof. Dr. Cengiz ATLI
Head of History Department

Doç. Dr. Alkan ÖZKAN
Head of Mathematics Depatment

Prof. Dr. Murat Ali KARAVELİOĞLU
Head of Turkish Language and Literature Department

Doç. Dr. Volkan DURAN
Head of Psychology Department

Prof. Dr. Nesrin GÜLLÜDAĞ
Head of Eastern Languages and Literatures Department

Head of Biochemistry Department

Prof. Dr. Erdinç PARLAK
Head of Western Languages and Literatures Department

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Rıfat KUVANÇ
Head of Art History Department