For Prospective Students of the Faculty of Science and Letters
Why Choose the Faculty of Science and Letters?
When choosing a university, prospective students should consider many factors. The Faculty of Science and Letters often offers a broad range of disciplines, providing students with a well-rounded education. Here are some advantages of choosing the Faculty of Science and Letters:
- Diverse Range of Disciplines: The Faculty of Science and Letters encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including natural sciences, social sciences, and literature. This allows students to build a broad knowledge base and specialize in various subjects.
- Critical Thinking Skills: Courses in fields such as mathematics, literature, philosophy, and social sciences can help students develop critical thinking skills. This improves their problem-solving abilities and deepens their understanding of the material.
- Communication Skills: Studies in literature and social sciences help students develop strong communication skills. Proficiency in both written and oral communication will help students succeed in the professional world, research, and other careers.
- Versatile Career Opportunities: Graduates of the Faculty of Science and Letters can pursue careers in many fields, including education, media, law, business, finance, software, and more.
- Cultural Awareness: Programs in literature and social sciences promote understanding of different cultures, enhancing the ability to communicate effectively and work in multicultural environments.
However, the decision to choose this faculty depends on personal interests, abilities, and career goals. Students should carefully consider their interests and objectives before selecting a faculty.
Iğdır University
Faculty of Science and Letters
As of today, Iğdır University’s Faculty of Science and Letters has 6 active departments and 3 inactive departments, making a total of 9 departments. To learn more about department quotas, base scores, success statistics, placement and registration data, and other relevant information, please click below.
English Language and Literature
Turkish Language and Literature
Art History

Academic Staff
The Faculty of Science and Letters at Iğdır University stands out as an educational institution offering high-quality education, with a dedicated academic staff consisting of 11 Professors, 18 Associate Professors, 23 Assistant Professors, 2 Instructors, and 8 Research Assistants.
International Experiences
Our faculty provides international education opportunities through programs like Erasmus, Farabi, and Mevlana, facilitating student and academic staff exchanges between domestic and foreign universities. Foreign students can also enroll in courses at Iğdır University’s Faculty of Science and Letters.

Career Opportunities
In addition to the main program, students have the opportunity to pursue a Double Major Program, which allows them to study another department simultaneously and earn a second diploma, or they can take elective courses from another department through the Minor Program to earn a certificate in that field. Detailed information about the Double Major and Minor Programs is available on each department's webpage.
Pedagogical Formation Opportunity
The Faculty of Science and Letters offers pedagogical formation courses starting from the 2nd year. By taking a specified number of formation courses each semester, students can graduate with a Pedagogical Formation Certificate.

Step into Projects, Write Your Future!
Iğdır University’s Faculty of Science and Letters encourages students to write TÜBİTAK projects, helping them develop their original thinking and research skills. The faculty provides guidance and support throughout the project writing process, encouraging students to contribute to scientific advancements and enhance their academic success. Through these efforts, the faculty aims to enrich students’ university experience by guiding them towards scientific research.